What happened with Elon Musk this week? (September 28 - 30)

1) Elon Musk wrote in twitter :

2) For that tweet, the SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) sued him.

3) On Friday, Sep 28 he wrote a letter to Tesla employees:
Friday, September 28:
Ignore all distractions. One more hardcore weekend and we will all be victorious.
Thanks for being amazing.
4) On Sep 29 (Saturday) they settled it. Musk has to pay 20 million and Tesla has to pay 20 million to SEC. Plus, he isn't a chairman anymore (independent chairmen are to be appointed) and his tweets have to be monitored from now on.

5) A couple of hours after they settled Elon sent this letter to Tesla employees:
Sunday, September 30:
We are very close to achieving profitability and proving the naysayers wrong, but to be certain, we must execute really well tomorrow (Sunday).

If we go all out tomorrow, we will achieve an epic victory beyond all expectations.

Go Tesla!!
Thanks for all your hard work,
