How to Make your Brother Scanner work with Ubuntu 20.04 Document Scanner

(NOTE: This is an example using the printer/scanner DCP-L2540DW)

Download the official scanner driver

Open a terminal and paste these commands, changing them for your specific scanner:

sudo  dpkg -i --force-all <your downloaded deb driver file>

Make sure it was installed correctly

dpkg -l | grep Brother

Configure the scanner

sudo brsaneconfig4 -a name=<scanner name this can be whatever you want> model=<scanner model> ip=<the scanner IP address>

To get the IP Address of your scanner, you need to print your network configuration report:

  1. Press Menu.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • For MFC users
      Press the Up or Down arrow key to display the Print Reports option, and then press OK.
    • For DCP users
      Press the Up or Down arrow key to display the Machine Info. option, and then press OK.
  3. Press the Up or Down arrow key to choose the Network Config option, and then press OK.
  4. Press Start.

    More info here

Example of these commands:

sudo  dpkg -i --force-all brscan4-0.4.9-1.amd64.deb

dpkg -l | grep Brother

sudo brsaneconfig4 -a name=BrotherPrinterScanner model=DCP-L2540DW ip=
